Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This man here is MR. Coulter. dude did allot for me in my senior year. one of the most inspirational people in my life still talk to him every now and then. check out his stuff on his website it will leave you thinking and wondering for days. http://www.6ixthman.com/bring-6ixth-man-to-your-team/speaking/


  1. Yo Nick,

    GREAT stuff here man, and thanks for the support! Mr Maxx is a good friend, an inspiration to me as well. Keep doin your thing man, and if you need any advice or whatever, don't hesitate to hit me up.


  2. Well do you see anything i need to work on in-particular. Also i know my banner is dirt ahahah so what would you do to make it better.

  3. Truly an honor Nick. Love it and I think your work incredibly genius. Keep pushin' and be strong.

    - Mr. C (Norman A. Coulter)...whateva LOL
